Version 1.0 (Enzmann, 2006)

TabNotes is a utility to convert .not-files created by the EpiData Entry program
(see: ) into a tab-delimited file.

TabNotes is fairly self-explanatory:
As a result you will see a summary of the contents of the .not-file (see:
TabNotes-Demo1.jpg )and the notes will be saved into a tab-delimited file.

Finally, you may want to import this file in Excel: Once read by Excel the
following columns will be created:
  1. Path and name of EpiData record file
  2. Date and time of note
  3. CaseNumber (if defined) of note
  4. Field to which the note refers
  5. Note
(see: TabNotes-Demo2.jpg ).

Comments on improvements are welcome, send a mail to: .