TetCorr 2.1 (Enzmann, 07/2005) Version 2.0 of TetCorr replaced a former version that was based on a routine published by Kirk (1973). In case of extreme asymetric marginal distributions the former version failed to calculate tetra- choric correlation coefficients or produced incorrect values. Version 2.0 did compute wrong estimates if one cell frequency was zero. This has been corrected in version 2.1: The correlation will be -1 and a warning message will be issued. Adapting a routine published Brown (1977) and slightly modified by Uebersax (2000), TetCorr computes a matrix of tetrachoric correlation coefficients of up to 50 variables and (dependent on the memory available) up to 8,000 cases. The input file needs raw data coded '0' and '1' in free format with one row of data per case, the columns separated by blanks. Compare the file WMT.DAT for an example of an input file with data of 501 cases and 24 variables. If you want to analyse data with more than 50 variables you have to adapt the source code TETCORR.PAS to your needs (set the constant VMAX to a different value) and compile it as real mode (= DOS) with Borland Pascal (7.0). If the memory available is not sufficient you may also compile the source code with a value of the constant VMAX less than 50. The absolute number of cases, however, is 15,000. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are working with SPSS the following steps can be used for a factor analysis of dichotomous items based on tetrachoric correlation coefficients. It is assumed that you want to analyse 24 items (WMT01 to WMT24) stored consecutively in your working file. 1) If the values are not coded (0) 'no/false' and (1) 'yes/true' but differently, first recode the variables accordingly. For example, assume that the values of your variables are coded (1) 'no/false' and (2) 'yes/true'. In that case: RECODE WMT01 to WMT24 (1=0) (2=1). 2) All values of all cases must be valid. Thus, for listwise deletion of missing values use: COUNT WMTMiss = WMT01 to WMT24 (missing). SELECT IF WMTMiss=0. 3) Write the raw data to a text file (for example WMT.DAT) and note the number of cases and the min/max values of the subsequent DESCRIPTIVES procedure (all values must be in the range 0 and 1): WRITE OUTFILE='WMT.DAT' /WMT01b to WMT24b (24(x,F1.0)). DESCRIPTIVES WMT01 to WMT24 4) Use the program TETCORR.EXE to produce a matrix of tetrachoric correlations, specify (for example) WMT.DAT as input file and WMT.COR as output file. Check that the number of cases and number of variables reported by TETCORR.EXE are the same as in the previous DESCRIPTIVES procedure. 5) Use SPSS to read the output of TETCORR.EXE (in this example WMT.COR) with the matrix of tetrachoric correlations: MATRIX DATA variables = wmt01 to wmt24 /FILE = 'wmt.cor' /FORMAT FREE LOWER /CONTENTS=COR. 6) Now you can use the procedure FACTOR (in this example a principal components analysis with three "factors" and oblimin rotation, see /EXTRACTION, /CRITERIA, and /ROTATION) for a factor analysis of the items WMT01 to WMT24 based on tetrachoric correlation coefficients. With /ANALYSIS you can specify a subset of variables, if necessary: FACTOR /MATRIX = IN(cor=*) /ANALYSIS wmt01 to wmt04 wmt06 wmt08 wmt09 wmt12 wmt15 wmt17 to wmt18 wmt20 wmt21 wmt23 wmt24 /FORMAT SORT /PRINT initial ROTATION /CRITERIA FACTORS(3) ITERATE(50) /EXTRACTION=PC /CRITERIA ITERATE(100) /ROTATION oblimin . Be aware that in case of extreme asymetric marginal distributions or in case of very low cell frequencies it is possible that the correlation matrix is not positive definite. Sometimes only one variable is responsibe but it is not always easy to identify this variable. You should look for variables that are extremely easy or difficult, and you should look for pairs of variables of which the standard error of the correlation is extraordinary large (see r_tetra.sps). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- References: Brown, M.B. (1977). Algorithm AS 116: The tetrachoric correlation and its standard error. Applied Statistics, 26, 343-351. Kirk, D.B. (1973). On the numerical approximation of the bivariate normal (tetrachoric) correlation coefficient. Psychometrika, 38, 259-268. Uebersax, J.S. (2000). The tetrachoric and polychoric correlation coefficients. Internet: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jsuebersax/tetra.htm